"We don't see things as they are, we see things as we are."

- Anaïs Nin


Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy


Can I be hypnotized?

Absolutely. You are an amazing hypnotic subject. You are already an expert and moving in and out of natural trances as a normal part of your everyday life. In a hypnotherapy session, we will combine your natural ability with specific tools and techniques that I will offer to create the right conditions for you to sink easily into a nice, deep state of hypnosis.


What does it feel like to be hypnotized?

There is no one right way to feel when you are in a hypnotic trance. Being hypnotized can feel different ways to different people, or different ways to the same people on different days. When you are hypnotized, you may feel:

-deeply relaxed... or profoundly alert

-very sleepy... or wide awake

-profoundly focused... or quite spacey...

-like time is moving faster... or slower

-like your body is growing warmer... or cooler

-like your limbs and body are floating.... or sinking

-like you remember everything your therapist says to you... or like you have forgotten some or all of what your therapist says to you

-tingly... buzzy...floaty... dreamy... spacey... or something else entirely


Does hypnosis make me lose control?

Absolutely not. As a matter of fact, hypnosis is an amazing way for people to regain control over their thoughts, their minds, and consequently, their lives. You as the client are always in control and always have the power to decide whether or not to accept the suggestions I make. Hypnosis cannot make you do or say anything you do not actively choose to say or do.


Can hypnotherapy be done online?

Yes! Online video conferencing technology makes online hypnotherapy just as effective and rewarding as in-person hypnotherapy.


Is there any evidence that hypnotherapy can help me with my problem? Is hypnotherapy evidence-based?

There is a great deal of scientific evidence that proves the efficacy of the therapeutic use of hypnosis for a variety of problems and issues. In spite of this, hypnosis is still generally categorized as an alternative treatment.


How many sessions will I need?

This varies from client to client. For simpler problems and issues, three sessions may be enough. For more complex problems and issues, more sessions may be recommended. I will do my best to let you know as early as possible how many sessions I believe would be most beneficial so that you can plan accordingly, but sometimes material is uncovered during the course of a session that indicates additional sessions would be beneficial. Typically, though, hypnotherapy is a short-term goal-focused therapeutic approach. Having said that, it can be a wonderful ongoing process of discovery, healing and wellness that some clients choose to return to again and again as they identify new goals to pursue.


Is hypnosis safe?

Hypnosis is safe. As previously mentioned, you are already an expert at moving in and out of natural trances on a daily basis. You are very much able to maintain your own control, awareness and safety, when you are daydreaming while driving down the highway, reading a good book or watching a compelling movie. Hypnosis is simply a facilitated or induced trance, within which you continue to be able to maintain your own control, awareness and safety and can choose to participate in or exit the hypnotic state at any time. In a hypnotherapy session, the hypnotic state occurs in either your own home or in the hypnotherapist's office. As long as you choose a safe place for your home hypnotherapy session (sitting on a comfy chair in your bedroom is a great choice, sitting in a moving vehicle is NOT), then you will be able to ensure that the session is a safe and effective one. A hypnotherapist's office has already been set up with your safety and comfort in mind.


If I have hypnosis, does that mean I don't need to see my doctor or my mental health care provider?

NO! Hypnotherapy is a great adjunct to visiting your doctor or your mental health practitioner, but it absolutely not a substitute for medical or mental health treatment.



Is EFT safe?

EFT is designated as a “generally safe treatment” and side effects are rare. EFT invites the participant to tune into negative feelings such as anger, anxiety, uneasiness, fear, and sadness. Tuning into these feelings can be uncomfortable, especially when not working with a certified practitioner. The vast majority of EFT participants feel a great sense of relief, calm, and increased happiness.

Is there any evidence that EFT can help me with my problem? Is EFT evidence-based?

EFT been tested in over 100 clinical trials and has been observed to be effective for reducing experiences of anxiety, depression, PTSD, pain, phobias, and many physical diagnoses. Randomized controlled trials (the “gold standard” in research) indicate that EFT is able to rapidly reduce the emotional impact of memories and incidents that trigger emotional distress.

Clinical EFT is an evidence-based method that has been observed to be effective enough that it is part of the continuing medical education offerings for psychologists (through the American Psychological Association), nurses (through the American Nurses Credentialing Commission) and doctors (through the American Medical Association).


Can EFT be done online?

Yes! Online video conferencing technology makes online EFT just as effective and rewarding as in-person EFT.


How many sessions will I need?

This varies from client to client. For simpler problems and issues, three sessions may be enough. For more complex problems and issues, more sessions may be recommended. I will do my best to let you know as early as possible how many sessions I believe would be most beneficial so that you can plan accordingly, but sometimes material is uncovered during the course of a session that indicates additional sessions would be beneficial. Typically, though, EFT is a short-term goal-focused therapeutic approach. Having said that, EFT is a marvellous way to manage stress, work on issues as they arise, and pursue goals as they are identified, and so some clients choose to participate in EFT sessions with a qualified practitioner on an on-going basis.


How does it work?

EFT tapping can be thought of as "emotional" acupuncture. It is grounded in the ancient Chinese meridian system, but uses fingertips instead of needles.

EFT actually changes the neural architecture in your brain. As stimuli that once produced stress responses are reconditioned through a combination of exposure and tapping on acupoints, new emotional responses become possible. When you are in a relaxed state, you will actually be able to shift away from using your reptilian brain (which is amazing for fight/flight/freeze responses, but not much else) and into using your prefrontal cortex, or "higher thinking brain". From this calm and grounded place, new possibilities & avenues can open up to reveal solutions to issues and options for achieving goals.

The world can look like a very different (and much brighter!) place after an EFT session.


Why does EFT focus on the negative? Doesn't focusing on the negative just make things worse?

To quote Louise Hay, if you're going to clean a house, you have to see the dirt. Focusing on the negative initially allows you to see where things are going wrong, and where shifts can be made to elicit positive change. By jumping immediately into the positive without doing the work to clean up any underlying issues, you are (to use an analogy I love) essentially building a beautiful new home on top of a stinky old outhouse. And to layer in one final analogy, if you actually see the splinter that is stuck in your toe, you can take it out and truly start the healing process.


What do I need to know before my first session?

-EFT may look and feel silly, but just go with it. It's worth it.

-Don't be concerned if you find yourself yawning, coughing, burping or sneezing during your session. EFT moves a lot of energy and this can look different for different people.

-Make sure you are well hydrated! EFT is more effective when you are hydrated, so please bring a bottle of water to your session.

-It's handy to have tissues nearby because many emotions are processed during the course of a session.


Can EFT fix everything that is wrong in my life?

EFT has been seen in countless case studies as well as many randomized controlled trials to be effective for a wide variety of issues. However this is not true for all individuals or all issues. If you have long-lasting or intense emotional or physical trauma it is essential that you consult your physician or licensed mental health practitioner before using EFT or any other stress-reduction method.


If I tap, does that mean I don't need to see my doctor or my mental health care provider?

NO! EFT is a great adjunct to visiting your doctor or your mental health practitioner, but it absolutely not a substitute for medical or mental health treatment.

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